Metrolinx Site Decision is like Comparing Apples to Oranges
While reviewing the Metrolinx “MSF Site Selection” document, we realized one thing: Metrolinx did not do the work required before making their train yard decision.
Everyone knows apples and oranges are two different fruits with different textures. Sure, they’re both from the same family, but you can’t compare an orange’s acidic taste to an apple’s tarty flavour. Referencing two things that are fundamentally different shouldn’t be compared.
But according to Metrolinx, comparing two different things is how decisions are made. The MSF document showed many sites that differ significantly in size and compatibility, with some way below the ideal size required by Metrolinx. In fact, pinpointing the ideal size required was confusing since they suggested they were looking for a location that is 175,000 square meters and in other places 140,000 square meters. The Thorncliffe location size is 111,000 square meters which is significantly lower than Metrolinx's ideal stated sizes.
The inconsistent sites and data only draws more questions about Metrolinx’s decision process.
Truth is, Metrolinx created the MSF report to make it seem like they went through a process that resulted in Thorncliffe being chosen, but the decision was already made. Before adding a bunch of incompatible sites together, they had already decided and designed the document in a way that showed Thorncliffe as the best location. Which is why some of the sites suggested, like the Science Center which is half the size they needed, had no business being looked at but was added to the list anyways.
The process used to make the decision was through a method of elimination. If you use enough incompatible sites, it would seem like there was no other option but to choose Thorncliffe.
The document is a single sided perspective that fails to present both sides of the project’s impacts for each site presented, showing systemic bias and lack of work during the decision process.
Here’s how YOU can help out today:
Email the Ministry of Transportation ( and state the following:
Metrolinx needs to hit the reset button on the location of a train yard in Thorncliffe Park and that discriminating against the Thorncliffe Park community is not acceptable and needs to be stopped.
To contact us:
Phone: 1-855-657-2750