On April 8th, Thorncliffe Park community was devasted to learn of the Metrolinx plan to build a train yard known as the Maintenance and Storage Facility (MSF). The purpose of the yard is to service, repair and wash over 200 rail cars 24/7 for the Ontario Line. The proposed location of this train yard will take away neighbourhood space that this community does not have, take away the vibrancy of the community. It will have a devastating impact on the economic and social foundation of this already vulnerable community.
That’s why we are here.
SaveTPARK is a grassroot, energized youth movement with a community first focus. The group is aware of the manipulative tactics used by organizations like Metrolinx. We know many community residents are not equipped with the right information or resources to challenge large scale projects as a train yard, and our campaign helps them voice their concerns.
Metrolinx might think they can get away with covert environmental racism, but SaveTPARK will call out every flaw from their plan until the Thorncliffe Park location is safe.
SaveTPARK Community