Does This Train Yard Make Sense Next to 30,000 Residents?
If you listened in math class growing up then you know that a negative plus a positive does not equal a positive. Only two positives equal a positive. But according to Metrolinx, a negative disguised as a positive should pass as a positive. Metrolinx clearly did not pay attention in math class.
A train yard is equivalent to the toilet of the Ontario Line. It’s large, loud, messy, and its purpose is to wash and repair trains – it is the least desirable part of the project. Everyone agrees that a station in Thorncliffe Park is a great addition for the community. Residents will have easy access to run errands, get jobs outside of the community, and complete other everyday activities. Adding a massive train yard significantly takes away from this benefit. One train station does not balance the permanent damage caused by a very large train yard, which will last FOREVER, especially when there are other places to build it.
As seen in the drawings, this train yard is gigantic. The essence of Thorncliffe Park will be changed forever. This once vibrant neighborhood will have to deal with bright lights, noise, dust, heavy traffic and a massive wall. The Islamic Society of Toronto’s 20 Overlea Blvd property will be directly adjacent to this train yard – see above at the green highlighted building. Does it make sense to have a Masjid next to a train yard where Metrolinx will service and clean trains? Why does the IST leadership think this is okay?
Why put a project like this right in the middle of a neighborhood of minorities?
We have to question how Metrolinx, the politicians and the businesses in Leaside decided that Thorncliffe Park was the best location. With multiple non-residential areas in Toronto, there are other places more fitting with much lesser community impacts. Metrolinx might pass this train yard off as something beautiful and beneficial for the community, but the concept drawings show the exact opposite.
If this train yard is built in Thorncliffe Park, it will create permanent damage to the people of Thorncliffe Park, today and forever. The peaceful neighbourhood will be defaced and stripped of character. It will be the Thorncliffe Park Ghetto.
Why would Metrolinx think this is okay? Thorncliffe Park was viewed as the path of least resistance, where new Canadians will keep their voices quiet and just accept whatever the government decides to do to them
Here’s how YOU can help out today:
When politicians come knocking on your door, tell them that they should move this train yard from Thorncliffe Park. That what they are doing is another example in a long list of similar historical events involving the mistreatment of vulnerable communities across this province – this is not acceptable and needs to stop.
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